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8:20 a.m. - 2003-11-21
Alone in my thoughts
Writing yesterday was good for me. it emptied my head enough for me to function at a high level without my thoughts carrying me off in another direction. they made jokes about how long the entry was but like i told them, it wasn't nearly as long as i'd have liked it to have been but... then again, are they ever long enough?'s word of the day:

quixotic � kwik-SAH-tik

� adjective

1 : foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action

2 : capricious, unpredictable

This is a great word to come up right now. It's a reminder about how many people who are trying to break their way into the lifestyle are searching for the "ideal" position. The "ideal" relationship. They are looking for things to just work, and not have to work for them. Before she gets all paranoid... H, i am not specifically talking about you, there's so many people out there like this it's not even funny.

There was a new girl at the munch last night. She's relatively new to the scene from what i understand and she has that wide-eyed expression of awe at times that is simply goregous to see in younger people. i admire Daniel's ability to pick out the ones that seem serious about the lifestyle and to guide them into the world via munches and such. i suppose, just like anyone else, he weeds through the non-serious, play-oriented folks and digs for the gems. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

but there's something fresh about looking into the eyes of a newbie. perhaps that is why i, myself, have an affinity for newbies.


i'm not very good at concentrating on writing today. i'm distracted. my brain is busy but not in a wound-up, hectic, chaos type of busy, just... active i suppose.

i just ordered a GMAT review book... that should be fun *rolls her eyes* maybe i'll find i'm not as unprepared as i think i am and i'll do alright. i should inquire to the Grad Office how well i need to score in order to be accepted into the program or some such. i don't understand this stuff at all but here i go blindly stumbling into it. i figure it can't be all that much worse than the SATs or college exams. in fact, i figure it will probably be a combination of both those things all wrapped up into one lovely, way-too-long test.

eh, my mind keeps wandering to nowheresville so i'm cutting this short.

toodles for now.


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