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7:05 p.m. - 2003-09-17
another half thought...
i've officially been at work for nearly 12 hours! YAY!

i hate days like today but they happen when we have to screw with the way things are looking at the databases. and so yet again sit Amar and i attempting to rebuild the beast. i wonder if you all are as sick of this as i am?

so on goes my music and suddenly it feels like a release night. i thought these nights were over when we finally ironed out the issues with SSO back in June, but nope, here we are back again at square one because they screwed with something in the code which likes to crash our databases and screw replication. DAMMIT!

so yeah, i guess this gives me some time to write at least. but of course this isn't the most lucrative environment so i'm not promising any profound thoughts because Amar is over there babbling away. silly man.

TATU on the speakers and off i go.


andrea brought this up in her journal and i believe it was somewhat an area that we touched upon during one of our conversations over the weekend. anyone who reads Gor will realize that half the reason the girls are the way they are on Gor is because they're always fighting to get to the top. always fighting to be better, more beautiful, more worthy of the attention of the Free. it's natural. it keeps us in check. rest assured i'm always fighting as well, with myself and with the others in my own subtle ways. it's my job to keep myself on top.

it's funny though how reading about it seems so romanticized and silly. it sounds almost immature but it's so very true all at the same time. and we all do it, she's right, and we'll all continue doing it because that's just how things go. as animals we have instincts, the instinct to stay alive includes staying at or near the top of the food chain. i just look at this battle between slave girls as part of that natural instinct.

don't worry... i know how to retain my place. and i'll fight hard to do so ;)

work is still dragging along, i forgot how terminal it is to drag stuff over the network.

i keep losing my train of thought because i have to keep going to my other screens to check on things and see what's going on and how far along we've moved. plus, after i started writing about it i wasn't so sure about what i wanted to say about competition. so it may sound half-assed and not very thought out. that's because my brain multi-tasked and got all sidetracked.

eh... i'm not concentrating again... so again, another entry cut short while i dabble in my work...


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